ACB Business
American Council of the Blind, Inc.

20250307 Sustaining Federal Policies and Programs Empowering People Experiencing Vision Loss to Continue Contributing to America

2025 DC Legislative Seminar

March 8, 2025

Sustaining Federal Policies and Programs Empowering People Experiencing Vision Loss to Continue Contributing to America Blind individuals contribute to society in countless meaningful ways, just like anyone else. We are taxpayers, business owners, employees, consumers, homeowners, veterans, students, and seniors. We excel in various fields such as education, arts, technology, science, sports, and so much more. However, specific federal policies and programs must be sustained by Congress to empower all Americans experiencing vision loss to continue contributing to our economic and social life. These laws and programs provide education, rehabilitation, employment, and opportunities for a healthy, fulfilling, and independent life. Essential Laws and Programs for the Independence of People with Vision Loss: The Rehabilitation Act of 1973

This law provides rehabilitation services for people with disabilities. It also prohibits disability discrimination by the federal government, federal contractors, and recipients of federal funds. This law has historically opened the door to countless employment and other opportunities for people with disabilities, including people who are blind or who have low vision. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

This law provides equal opportunity by prohibiting discrimination against people with disabilities by private and public employers, state and local governments and public accommodations. It enables blind and low vision people to participate equally and fully in all areas of our economy and society. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

School districts receive federal funding to provide special education and services that blind school-age children need to learn and compete in employment and to access higher educational opportunities. The Older Individuals Who are Blind Program

This program provides funding to each state for targeted services to seniors experiencing vision loss. These services enable seniors to remain in their own homes and to avoid unwanted, unnecessary, and costly institutionalization in nursing homes. The National Library Services

The program provides funding for audio and Braille books and other reading material to state and regional libraries for distribution to people who are blind or have low vision. Together with the Free Matter for the Blind privilege under the U.S. Postal Service, students can receive needed materials that set them up for remarkable success. The Department of Transportation

Provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act and other related laws enforced by DOT enable the blind and low vision community to travel independently to places of employment, public accommodations, and other social events.

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20250304 - ACB Board of Publications Meeting .

Broadcast on ACB Media 6.

March 4, 2025

Agenda list of 14 items • Welcome, Katie Frederick, BOP Chair • Roll Call, Zelda Gebhard • Approval of agenda, BOP • Approval of February minutes, BOP • Public comment, BOP • ACB Braille Forum report, Sharon Lovering, Editor • Forum themes, BOP themes for July-December • Reminder April 1 BOP awards deadline • Communicator’s Workshop, Zelda, April? • ACB Media updates, ACB Media team • Conversation/Leadership Email List Guidelines Discussion, BOP • Other items? • Next meeting April 1 | 9:00 PM Eastern • Adjourn list end

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20250304 - - Legislative Imperative - Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act.

March 4, 2025

20250304 - - Legislative Imperative - Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act.

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20250227 - Legislative Imperative, Communications, Video, , and Technology Accessibility Act.

Aired on ACB Media 5.

February 27, 2025

Discussing Imperative: Communications, Video, and Technology Accessibility Act In preparation for the upcoming Legislative Seminar to be held at the D.C. Leadership Conference, we will be discussing the Communications, Video, and Technology Accessibility Act (CVTA).

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20250225 - Legislative Imperative, - Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act.

Broadcast on ACB Media 6.

February 26, 2025

Discussing Imperative: Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act In preparation for the upcoming Legislative Seminar to be held at the D.C. Leadership Conference, we will be discussing the Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act.

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2025 American Council of the Blind Legislative Imperatives

2025 DC Leadership Conference

February 20, 2025

2025 ACB Legislative Imperatives

The American Council of the Blind is the nation’s leading member-driven organization for individuals who are blind and experiencing vision loss. With 66 state and special- interest affiliates across the country, ACB is committed to increasing the security, independence, quality of life, and economic opportunity for people who are blind and low vision in the United States, and ACB stands committed to advocacy that lifts up our values.

The following legislative imperatives represent several key issues that were pieces of legislation in the 118th Congress that ACB seeks to have reintroduced and passed in the 119th Congress. These bills will help ACB members in furthering independence and bettering quality of life.

The Communications, Video, and Technology Accessibility Act

The 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act (CVAA) guaranteed access for people with disabilities to advanced communications services, telecommunications hardware and software, accessible video displays and user interfaces and digital apparatuses, and required the delivery of audio-described content. For more than ten years, ACB and its members have worked to implement and enforce the CVAA, and in several key aspects, we have reached the limits of what the CVAA is able to enforce.

It is time for Congress to update the accessible video and communications requirements of the CVAA. Sen. Edward J. Markey (D-MA) and Rep. Anna G. Eshoo (D-CA) introduced the Communications, Video, and Technology Accessibility (CVTA) Act (H.R. 9333 and S. 5121). The CVTA reaffirms our nation’s commitment to accessible communications and video technologies for people who are blind, low vision, and DeafBlind. Once passed, this legislation will update existing requirements for accessible media, video user interfaces, and video conferencing services. ACB urges Congress to support and pass the CVTA in the 119th Congress.

Offices interested in supporting the CVTA should contact Ireland Lesley in Sen. Markey’s office.

End of ACB Legislative Imperative "Communications, Video, and Technology Accessibility Act"

The Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act

The majority of home use medical devices and outpatient equipment utilizes digital display interfaces that are inaccessible to blind, low vision, and DeafBlind users. Class 2 and Class 3 medical devices such as glucose monitors, blood pressure readers, and at-home chemotherapy treatments do not have any non-visual accessibility features like text to speech output, tactile markings, or audible tones built in. As a result, people who are blind, low vision, and DeafBlind cannot independently manage their health from the privacy of their own homes in the same ways as people who are not disabled.

ACB calls on Congress to support and pass the Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act. In the last session of congress, this bipartisan piece of legislation was introduced in both the House and Senate by Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) and Senators Mike Braun (R-IN) and Maggie Hassan (D-NH), to ensure that medical equipment with a digital display is accessible and that people with disabilities can take back control of their health. We are hopeful it will quickly be reintroduced. This legislation would require the Food and Drug Administration to consider non-visual accessibility when approving Class 2 and Class 3 medical equipment and devices with a digital display to ensure access for patients with disabilities.

Offices in the House of Representatives interested in supporting the bipartisan Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act (H.R.1328) should contact Michelle Paucar in the office of Rep. Schakowsky (D-IL). Offices in the Senate that are interested in co-sponsoring S. 3621 should contact Emily Kane in Sen. Hassan’s office.

End of ACB Legislative Imperative "Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act"

The Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act

Access to websites, applications and online services impacts most aspects of everyday life, and the COVID-19 pandemic has made digital inclusion more important than ever. There is a need for enforcement standards that clearly state websites, applications, and online services must be accessible to people with disabilities. People who are blind, low vision, and DeafBlind face countless barriers when accessing workplace portals, educational platforms, healthcare and public health information, transportation services, shopping, and entertainment over the Internet.

ACB calls on Congress to support and pass the Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act. In the last session of Congress, Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) introduced this legislation (S. 4998), and Rep. John Sarbanes (D-MD) along with Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX) introduced a version of the bill in the House of Representatives (H.R. 9021). We are hopeful it will quickly be reintroduced. This bill would establish clear and enforceable accessibility standards for websites and software applications. The Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act would set clear, enforceable accessibility standards, and establish a technical assistance center and advisory committee to provide advice and guidance on accessible websites and applications. It would also authorize a study on addressing emerging technologies.

Senate offices wishing to support this bill should contact Stephanie Deluca in Sen. Duckworth’s office.

End of ACB Legislative Imperative "Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act"

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20250210 ACB Board of Directors Meeting

As originally broadcast on ACB Media Six

February 11, 2025

2025 ACB Board of Directors Meeting, Monday, February 10, 2025, 7:00 PM ET, Broadcast on ACB Media Six

  • Call to Order: Deb Cook Lewis, ACB President
  • Roll Call and Introduction of Guests: Denise Colley, Secretary
  • Review and Approval of Agenda: Deb Cook Lewis, ACB President
  • Review and Approval of Minutes: September 23, 2024; November 2, 2024; and December 9 & 16, 2024 - Denise Colley, Secretary
  • Convention: Janet Dickelman, Convention Chair A. Review and Approval of Proposed Minneapolis, MN Convention Hotel – Friday July 13 to July 20th, 2029. B. Potential Hotel security costs

  • President’s Report: Deb Cook Lewis A. Prohibited Conduct Policy B. Update on committee structure and assignments C. Affiliate and National expectations document revision update D. Resolution on Decisions Impacting ACB Members update E. ACB comments on the proposed ACVREP certification of occupational therapists F. Leadership email list updates and revised guidelines

  • Executive Director’s Report: Scott Thornhill

  • Proposed Endowment Policy Revision: Nancy Marks-Becker
  • Proposed Bank Signor Policy: Nancy Marks-Becker
  • Organizational Discussion: Deb Cook Lewis and Scott Thornhill
  • Adjourn

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20250204 Board of Publications Feb 2025

As originally aired on ACB Media 6

February 5, 2025


  • Welcome, Katie Frederick, BOP Chair
  • Roll Call, Zelda Gebhard
  • Approval of agenda, BOP
  • Approval of January minutes, BOP
  • ACB Braille Forum report, Sharon Lovering, Editor
  • Forum themes, BOP (April-June)
  • Public comment, BOP
  • ACB Media updates, ACB Media team
  • ACB Voices Blog: data
  • BITS/BOP Partnership, Jeff Bishop
  • Conversation Email List Guidelines Discussion, BOP
  • Other items?
  • Next meeting March 4 | 9:00 PM Eastern
  • Adjourn

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20250107 - Board of Publications Meeting.mp3

January 7, 2025

Agenda list of 14 items • Welcome, Katie Frederick, BOP Chair • Roll Call, Zelda Gebhard • Approval of agenda, BOP • Approval of December minutes, BOP • ACB Communicator’s Workshop: 1/10 8:30 PM, Zelda/Jeff • Public comment • ACB Braille Forum report, Sharon Lovering, Editor • Forum themes, BOP (March-May) • ACB Media updates, ACB Media team • ACB Voices Blog: January & February editors • Conversation Email List Guidelines Discussion, BOP • Other items? • Next meeting February 4 | 9:00 PM Eastern • Adjourn list end

Katie Frederick

20241209 ACB Board of Directors Meeting

As aired om ACB Media 6

December 10, 2024

ACB Board of directors meeting December 9 2024

Board meeting to discuss and approve the hotel selections for the conventions to be held in 2026, 2027 and 2028